Mumbai: The Mumbai Police traffic control room received a message around 2 AM on Saturday, claiming that bomb blasts are being planned in Mumbai and Dhanbad. The message, sent from an Indian mobile number, prompted the Mumbai Police to launch an investigation to trace its sender.

The alert mentions the names of certain suspects allegedly involved in manufacturing illegal weapons in their company and planning explosions. It specifically identifies two individuals, stating that one is targeting Dhanbad while the other plans an attack in Mumbai.

Police Begin Tracing The Number

After receiving the alert, the police began tracing the sender using the provided mobile number. Initial findings suggest the claims may have been fabricated to falsely implicate the named individuals. Nevertheless, the police are conducting a detailed investigation. As per protocol, intelligence agencies have been notified, and necessary contingency measures have been implemented.

About Another Incident

In a previous incident, a woman called the main control room, alleging that preparations were underway to assassinate Prime Minister Narendra Modi and that weapons were involved. Investigations later revealed that her mental health was unstable.

Authorities remain vigilant and are thoroughly investigating the current threat to ensure public safety.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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