Surat: Kootankha has been caught from Ghanshyam Nagar of Varachha area of the city. Police raided the third floor of the building and arrested two agents, four customers and the owner, while freeing four Indian women.
According to the information received in this regard, a team of Varachha Police in Surat raided Ghanshyam Nagar Street No. 20 located on Long Hanuman Road. It was found that the room on the third floor was in use for the last two months.
Police raided here and arrested four customers Bipin Manji Dakhra, Vipul Dhirubhai Chavda, Ravi Hareshbhai Barwalia and Abid Bhalwa Hussain Pathan, while two agents Sanjay Rajendra Yadav and Sarvesh Ramgopal Shukla and house owner Chhaganbhai Gadhiya were also arrested.
Police freed 4 Indian women from here. Police investigation revealed that customers were contacted through WhatsApp and invited to enjoy physical pleasure by sending photos. In this incident, Kootnakha manager Ashok has been declared wanted and Varachha police has taken legal action against the arrested people.