Chandigarh: Senior police officers who on Thursday held detailed meeting with the protesting farm leaders at Shambhu border over latter’s call for “Delhi Chalo” march on Friday, were reported to have been assured by them that the farmers would not undertake a foot-march and would not use any vehicles.
The farm leaders who took part in the meeting with the police officers who included deputy inspector general of police (DIG), Patiala range, Mandeep Singh Sidhu and senior superintendent of police (SSP) Sarfaraz Alam the first group consisting of about 100 farmers would march towards Delhi on Friday and on being confronted by police over any objection, would offer their arrest.
Even though the police officials highlighted the government’s stance which were in favour of farmers, the farmers, however, held that the farmers had decided to go ahead with the protest march.
Meanwhile, the Ambala district administration has already imposed section 144 CrPC prohibiting assembly of four or more people, ahead of the farmers’ scheduled protest march. According to information, the Section 144 CrPC notices have also been sent to prominent farmer leaders of Punjab and pasted the same at the protest site near Shambhu border. The said notices were also delivered to the farmer leader Sarwan Singh Pandher as well as the deputy commissioners of Patiala, Sangrur, Tarn Taran and Amritsar districts.