Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar on Thursday said police may be “lacking somewhere” if they are unable to rein in crime in Pune despite being given all infrastructural support and there being no political interference in their work.
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Maharashtra’s second-largest city is often in the news for ‘koyta’ gangs, which get their names from the sickle-type long-blade weapons used to hack down opponents. Many of these attacks are captured on CCTVs, thereby increasing the fear and distress among ordinary citizens.
Asked about these gangs, Pawar said, “Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis (who holds the home portfolio) has taken serious cognisance of these cases. Being a representative of this area (Pawar is MLA from Baramati in the district), I have also taken this issue very seriously.” Everyone knows there is no political interference in the work of the police, Pawar claimed.
“Despite being given various facilities in terms of infrastructure, housing, new offices and manpower, if police are unable to rein in these crimes, then it shows senior officers in the force must be lacking somewhere. If they are not able to tackle the situation, they should admit it and we will bring better officers to control crime,” the NCP chief said.
Asserting that he would talk to senior police officials on the issue of crime, Pawar emphasised it was the state government’s duty to live up to the expectations of the citizens after getting a massive mandate (in the November assembly polls).