Mumbai: The Mumbai police recently informed the Bombay High Court that it has closed the forgery case registered against actor Shweta Tiwari, lodged by her estranged husband Abhinav Kohli in 2021. The court then allowed Tiwari to withdraw her petition which sought to quash the FIR registered by the Bandra Kurla police station against her.

On March 1, 2021, Kohli filed a complaint with the BKC police alleging that Tiwari forged his signature on the No Objection Certificate (NOC) that she submitted to the authorities in the United Kingdom in 2017, for seeking their minor son’s visa.

Tiwari had applied for a visa since she wanted to consult doctors in the UK for her son’s physiotherapy. However, since she was traveling alone (without the child’s father), she was asked to submit an NOC from Kohli.

Kohli alleged that she forged his signature for this NOC and took the child to the UK. He wrote to the Embassy in the UK about the same and the visa was cancelled. He then filed a complaint with the police.

The police informed a bench of Justices Sarang Kotwal and Neela Gokhale that it filed an ‘A’ Summary report before the magistrate court at Bandra on December 17 as it could not find any evidence against Tiwari. An ‘A’ Summary report is filed when the police suspects the case to be ‘true’ but there is not enough evidence.

In view of the police report, Tiwari’s advocate sought to withdraw the petition. Kohli, who was present in the court, said that he would be filing a “protest petition” challenging the police closure report.

“In view of this position, the Petition is allowed to be withdrawn. However, it is made clear that both the parties would be at liberty to take out appropriate legal proceedings in accordance with law if an order, adverse to either of the parties, is passed,” the court said.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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