The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has come under heavy criticism for its inaction on ₹400 crore worth of audit objections flagged by the Principal Accountant General (Indian Audit and Accounts Department). The irregularities worth ₹400 crore were flagged during an asset management audit of various PMC departments in January 2024. Despite being given a four-week deadline to respond, the PMC has failed to address these objections even after 10 months.
The audit report was submitted to the Municipal Commissioner in January, highlighting the detailed financial and procedural discrepancies and demanding immediate clarifications. However, most departments have not acknowledged the audit despite multiple reminders sent by the state audit office between July and November. Around 36 reminders were issued during this period, but PMC has not responded substantially.
“The audit department raised the issue again on November 13 in a formal complaint to the Municipal Commissioner, urging immediate action. However, instead of taking the matter directly, the Commissioner delegated the issue to subordinate officials. Only after three weeks, a meeting was called on December 3, under the Additional Commissioner’s and not the Commissioner raising concerns over the seriousness with which the administration is handling the matter,” said Vivek Velankar, an activist.
“Ignoring ₹400 crore in flagged irregularities shows a worrying disregard for accountability. If the administration cannot respond to such critical issues, how can it effectively address the concerns of citizens?” Velankar added.