Varanasi, July 08 (Hindustan Times). Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Babatpur Airport on Saturday morning from Bareka Sports Ground after a night stay in his parliamentary constituency Varanasi. From the airport left for Warangal, Telangana. The Prime Minister, who is on a two-day visit, handed over various development projects worth Rs 12,110 crore to the entire Purvanchal, including his parliamentary constituency Kashi, before addressing a huge public meeting at Harhua Wajidpur on Friday evening.
This includes dedication of 19 projects worth Rs 10,720 crore and foundation stone laying of 10 projects worth Rs 1,389 crore. After the public meeting, the Prime Minister attended a tiffin meeting of corporators, party workers and office bearers at Bareka Guest House late in the evening. The Prime Minister interacted with the party workers for about an hour in a cordial atmosphere with the spirit of an ordinary worker and also had tiffin. In Tiffin, the Prime Minister ate Khichdi and Nanua curry.
During this, Mandal President Siddhanath Sharma, BJP Mandal President Nalin Nayan Mishra, Metropolitan Minister Anupam Gupta and Councilor Kusum Patel were sitting on the table with the Prime Minister. According to Mandal President Siddhanath Sharma, all the workers had brought their own tiffin. The Prime Minister’s tiffin had roti, mix vegetable, khichdi and nanua curry. He ate only khichdi and nanua curry.
According to Councilor Siddhnath Sharma, he was sitting next to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister asked him how many meetings have been held so far, so I told him that only two meetings have taken place. After this asked the second question that how much honorarium do you people get then I said that I am new but I have come to know that maybe 1500 rupees honorarium is received. The Prime Minister smiled at this.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also interacted with BJP officials and workers. Known everyone’s condition and called for getting ready for Mission 2024. Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked the councilors their responsibility and taught them the lesson of conscientiousness. He said that the work which Congress and SP used to do, should not be done by mistake. Create a different identity by rising from familyism, casteism and corruption. If you have come into politics then serve selflessly.
He said that leaders and workers should go door-to-door and give information about the schemes and public welfare works of the Central and State Government. The Prime Minister said, definitely contact the booth where less votes were received. Thank them for voting. Note down their problems and complaints and get involved in solving them. They raised their hands to know how many councilors have been elected for the first time. Who has been a councilor for how many times?
The Prime Minister asked which work did you do that makes you feel satisfied. He said not to be proud of victory. Every Saturday and Sunday, go to the ward from 7 am to 10 am and note down the public problems. Visit the Municipal Corporation office daily and get the problems resolved. Tiffin meeting must be held at least once in a month.
The tiffin meeting was org.zed by the BJP Mahanagar Committee under the Mahajan Sampark Abhiyan to publicize the achievements of the nine years tenure of the Central Government. State President Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary welcomed the Prime Minister in the meeting. The operation was done by Kashi area president Dilip Singh Patel. Apart from 63 corporators, the Mayor, all the office bearers of the metropolis, presidents of all the divisions, three MLAs and two ministers were present in the banquet.
PM went to every table
The special thing is that the Prime Minister left the stage and went to have tiffin among the councillors. After the meal, he went to the table of all the corporators, office bearers and people’s representatives and inquired about their well-being. Seeing the workers calm, they said to discuss among themselves. Have come for food. There should also be laughter and humour. All the councilors had arrived for the meeting with their tiffins. Most of the councilors’ tiffins had coarse grain dishes. The Prime Minister gave the message of ‘bigger org.zation than government’ in Bareka Auditorium. State Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya, Brajesh Pathak were also present in the Tiffin meeting.