In the discussion on the examination, PM Modi interacted with students of 10th and 12th about board examinations. The Prime Minister told the students that everyone has only 24 hours in a day. Some people deal with all the work at the same time, while others keep saying that they do not have time. In such a situation it is very important to learn time management.
Prime Minister Modi advised the students to focus their entire focus only on studies. This will automatically reduce the pressure. You should keep challenging yourself all the time. Many people do not fight their fight themselves. So learn to fight yourself. Ask yourself what I want to be in life and will I satisfy me. Gradually the mind has to be stabilized somewhere. The mind should not be distracted, but should be focused on the same thing.
Prime Minister Modi asked the students to become an example themselves. Present the example yourself before teaching anyone anything. Prime Minister Modi told the students that it is important for them to have a healthy diet. Also, along with studies, good sleep is also necessary. Children do not need to see on Google what they should eat and what not to eat, but they should eat the same as healthy. Prime Minister Modi also told the children how they can keep their mind calm. He said that instead of talking in vain, it is important to pay attention to yourself. If you talk too much about other things, then your mind can wander. It is very important to pay attention to this.
During the discussion on the exam, Prime Minister Modi appealed to the parents to “try to understand their children.” Understand their wishes and abilities. Keep an eye on them according to their abilities.