Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd (MDL), a Navratna DPSU, commenced the production activity for the first Fast Patrol Vessel (FPV) of 14 FPVs project for Indian Coast Guard (ICG), today. Along with this, plate cutting of 2nd ship of Next Generation Offshore Patrol Vessels (NGOPVs) was also undertaken. Mr. Biju George, Director Shipbuilding presided the plate cutting ceremony in presence of DIG Shajen Kurian, PD(MAT) and DIG Alankar Singh, CGRPS MBI along with senior officials from ICG and MDL.

MDL has signed the contract with ICG to design, build, and deliver a total of Fourteen (14) Fast Patrol Vessels. The project is valued at Rs 1070.47 crores. Each vessel will feature a waterjet propulsion drive, built to meet contractual speed in excess of 33 knots and shall be classified under Dual class (ABS & IRS).

The vessels will be designed as High speed craft, equipped with a waterjet propulsion, high-speed diesel engine. The vessel shall be used for patrolling coastal waters and protection of fisheries.

These vessels will be capable of carrying a small high speed boat to carry out search and rescue missions in shallow unchartered waters. Apart from this, these vessels shall have inherent capability to switch over to war time roles such as providing communication link, escort coastal convoys, logistic support, medical evacuation and supplement Indian Naval resources.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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