According to astrology, the month of December 2024 will prove to be the month of conjunction of 9 planets of Vedic astrology. The month begins on December 2 with the change of direction of Mercury and the change of zodiac signs of planets like Venus, Ketu and Sun. The last 5 days of this month or the last 5 days of the year 2024 will be in the names of 5 planets. Due to the influence of these planets, the days of this zodiac sign can shine like gold in 2025.

Last 5 days of December 2024 are important

On Friday, December 27, 2024, Mercury and Jupiter will be opposite each other and form Samasaptak Yoga.

On this date, Mercury and Saturn are situated at right angles to each other and are forming Kendra Drishti Yoga.

On this day, Sun and Moon will also revolve together forming Vyatipat Yoga.

Along with all this, Karmadev Shanidev will also leave Shatabhisha Nakshatra and enter Purvabhadrapada on 27th December.

On Saturday, December 28, 2024, Venus, the giver of happiness and prosperity, will leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius.

On Sunday, December 29, 2024, the ruling planet, Sun, will change its path and move out of the original constellation and orbit in Purvashadha.

The last five days are special

According to astrology, the names of the five planets that will remain in the last five days of the month of December are Mercury, Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Saturn. The combination of these 5 planets will have a wide and deep impact on all the zodiac signs including the country, the world, weather, nature, and will also greatly increase the happiness, prosperity and good fortune of the people of the 5 zodiac signs.


The leadership abilities of Aries people will increase. Your confidence will be at new heights. You will be more determined to achieve your goals. This time will be very beneficial for the business class. There will be expansion in business. The work of employed people will be appreciated.


People of Leo zodiac will get income from creative works during this period in their life. Investment will be profitable. Employed people will get success in work. There will be many opportunities for financial gain. Trade will increase and new business relationships will be formed.


Everything will be balanced in the lives of people with Libra zodiac sign. You will value your relationships and focus on strengthening them. There will be financial gain for the family. Investment will also yield good returns. Office people will have cordial relations with their colleagues. There will be new trade agreements in business.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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