On March 29, Shani will enter Pisces on Amavasya and enter Pisces, which will have a serious impact on the natives of the country and the twelve zodiac signs. Explaining the reason, the famous Jyotishacharya of Gujarat, Chetan Patel said that this change of Shani will have serious effects. Saturn and Sun will collide in one zodiac because at the time of entering the Pisces of Saturn, four planets including the Sun are orbiting in Pisces and they will make Panchgrahi Yuti Yoga. According to astrology calculation, such a yoga in Pisces will be formed after 57 years, due to which a lot is going to happen.


What will be the time for India and its citizens?

In the Taurus Ascendant horoscope of independent India, Shani will transit in the eleventh house which gives many indications for the country. The eleventh house belongs to the countrymen and society. It will have the following effects according to which Saturn will progress in the place where it will be.

1, this will bring progressive progress for Saturn countrymen.

2. For an agricultural country like India, this transit of Saturn in Pisces zodiac will bring good rain because according to astrology, Shani is considered the lord of rain.

3. Due to the direct impact of progress in trade and industries, the Indian stock market can only rise in the year 2025 and it can reach new heights.

4. In this yoga, there are also enemy planets of Saturn like Sun and Moon, which show the sum of a lot of upheaval for power and governance. At the same time, this yoga of Sun and Saturn makes the sum of betrayal for the rulers.

5 There may be fluctuations in relations with friendly countries and an event like betrayal from a neighboring country can occur.

Influence on world

If we consider Saturn in the context of the world, then it is the longest period of the planets to remain retrograde. This zodiac sign will spend two and a half years in Pisces, which shows that a large cycle of 30 years is about to end in the world, which will lead to very large upheaval and changes, which may reduce natural phenomena, major natural disasters or man-made wars. A situation like a major war may arise somewhere in the world, which will shake the world’s economy and the entire human race.

The effect of which is to create an atmosphere of rapid fluctuations in the world’s crude oil, gold and silver markets as well as stock markets.

The entry of Saturn in Pisces will change the base of the horoscope of many zodiac signs. Some horoscope will decrease. The horoscope of some will begin to grow. The base of some will change. Some will have auspicious effect on some. All these effects will be intense because this yoga of Saturn’s transit is being made on the day of Amavasya, so it is considered more powerful. At the same time, Saturn is going to make inauspicious yoga with its enemy planets Sun and Moon.

Saturn’s previous Panchgrahi Yuti took place in 1968.

Its effect will appear in social, political, economic and natural forms. This time will be full of ups and downs for people of different zodiac signs. The special thing is that Saturn is also rising on this day.

Saturn transits in one zodiac for about two and a half years. These days Shani is transiting in Aquarius, on March 29, he will enter Pisces on the day of Shani Amavasya. As soon as Saturn comes in this zodiac, Panchgrahi combination will be formed along with four other planets like Sun, Moon, Venus and Rahu. Such a Panchagrahi Yuti of Shani was made in 1968, that is, this combination is happening after 57 years. Saturn is also rising on 29 March. This change of Saturn can have many auspicious effects.

The special thing is that this day is being considered as Shanaishri Amavasya due to this day of Amavasya and Saturday. With this, Saturn is rising on this day and Shani Dev is also changing his zodiac sign on this day. Whatever the coincidence is, its effect will be very strong and will show serious and deep impact. This day is also considered to be the best for Panoti prevention because according to the scriptures, they are more effective on the day on Saturday and Amavasya. If they are pleased that day, then many inauspicious effects of Saturn are averted. Therefore, on this day, whose panoti begins, as well as which is going on inauspicious effects of Saturn, whose Saturn is weak, set, retrograde or any other Saturn is showing pain or inauspicious effects, they should take special measures on this day as a solution.

According to the scriptures, Shani is the god of karma and its fruit, so any remedy taken on this day is also going to bring good luck.

It is said that when a person has a copper or silver base in the house, he has a positive or negative effect. By the way, there is often financial benefit from having copper or silver basis, but mental anxiety and restlessness persist. This is the influence of Saturn. Therefore, it is necessary to take care even if Aadhaar is auspicious so that inauspiciousness can be avoided and auspiciousness can increase. Those who are going through the influence of the big dhaiya or two and a half years of small dhaiya of Saturn’s half -and -half, should continuously worship Shani Dev.

Aries (A, L, E):-

Saturn will transit from your zodiac to Pisces on the 12th, so the first stage of the half -century will pass over your head like an iron rod, which will bring physical, mental and financial troubles. It is considered a difficult time. Do not take big decisions. Work peacefully. no hurries. Avoid taking big bold steps. You must take measures to avoid Saturn’s half -century.

Taurus (BVVU):

On May 11, the transit of Saturn will be in your zodiac sign, which will benefit us a lot. There will be progress in business, jobs and work, good economic benefits, society will progress and will get fame.

Gemini (C C):

Health will improve, post-prestige will increase and economic condition will be good.

Cancer (D):

Saturn’s half -and -half is about to end. The work taken in hand will be completed. There will be a situation of profit through friends, you will be able to move forward in business.

Singh (M, T):-

Two and a half year old grandmother Panoti will start on the Lodha scale. Which is considered painful. Try more. Internal-physical problems keep coming and going, things are done in a hurry, things are done in a hurry, things will harm, if you take preventive measures then there will be minimal problems.

Virgo (reading):

Being Saturn in the seventh house from your zodiac sign will help your friends and relatives and the financial situation in job and business will improve.

Libra (blood):

Due to the transit of Saturn in the sixth place from your zodiac sign, there is a yoga that provides success in business, job and court court. You will get the grace of Saturn, you will get freedom from diseases, you will get the benefit of high position in society.

Scorpio (New York):

Profit and work avenues will be opened from assistant areas and financial problems will be solved.

Sagittarius (B, D, F, D):-

Saturn is in the fourth house from your zodiac sign, so a long journey of two and a half years will start well. Which is considered painful. Avoid big undertakings that cause physical, mental and financial problems and preventive measures, financial planning and preventive measures will reduce problems.

Capricorn (B):

Saturn in third place from your zodiac will give you unexpected benefits in jobs, business, support from friends and siblings, and will get opportunities for economic benefits.

Aquarius (G, S, S, S):-

As soon as the circumambulation of Saturn begins elsewhere, the third and final stage of the half -century passes over Rupa’s feet. People who have mental and physical problems, even if there are chances of wealth gains, they should take measures to avoid Shani.

Pisces (D, S, J, Gu):-

The second phase of the half -century, when Saturn is in the first house, passes through the chest in golden scales. Which is a matter of concern. Avoid big tasks that cause internal mental disturbance. Worship or protect Saturn to reduce problems.

Saturn pain prevention measures

On the day of Shani Amavasya, pray for freedom from Shani pain and resolve to take this remedy. Also, decide that you will do it regularly. Shani Dev should keep blessings to you.

1 On this Saturday, donate a pair of your old clothes on Amavasya.

2. Start this Saturday and keep fast every Saturday. Eat once in the evening. Include urad dal and roti in it. Drink milk, coffee and fruits during the day. Do this in this way.

3. Pledge to chant Shani Beej Mantra.

(Pray before you start chanting the mantra)

4 ॐ Pran Priya Sah Shanashcharai Namah

Pledge to chant 1, 3, 5, 7 garlands or 15, 20 minutes before going to bed every morning or night.

5. Read Hanuman Chalisa once, thrice or seven times before going to bed every night. Do this everyday and sleep at the same time.

Starting from this day, go to any Shani temple or Hanumanji temple every Saturday and offer oil and vermilion there.

7. Donate and donate to the poor in the above time every Saturday. It is considered best to do this during evening or night. Donate urad or urad dal, iron utensils, black and white sesame, black blankets, black cloth, sesame or sesame oil, your old clothes etc.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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