According to astrology, the month of February 2025 will prove to be a special month for the movement of the planets. This has proved to be true so far and a glimpse of it will be seen on February 19. While Mercury and Venus will make this date auspicious, Sun God will change the constellation on this day. Thus, 3 planets will participate in the astronomical activity of this day, these are Mercury, Venus and Sun. This astronomical movement on February 19 is not only important from astrological point of view but is also considered extremely beneficial.


This yoga will be made on 19 February.

According to the mathematical calculation of Vedic astrology, on Wednesday, 19 February 2025, at 9:29 am, Mercury and Venus will be located just 30 degrees from each other. In the language of astrology, this position of these two planets is called Dwidwadash Yoga of Mercury and Venus. Both Mercury and Venus are very auspicious planets. This combination of Venus, the lord of speech, business, communication and partnership and Venus, the lord of wealth, opulence, happiness and splendor, is considered helpful in increasing wealth and income, but at the same time spent on fun and material amenities Will also be more.

Effect of planets on zodiac

According to astrologers, two zodiac signs will get tremendous benefits in money, career and relationships due to the change of Dwidwadash Yoga of Mercury and Venus. This change will prove to be very auspicious for jobs, business, education and career. Let us know which are these 5 lucky zodiac signs and what positive changes will happen in the lives of people of this zodiac?


People of Taurus zodiac will benefit greatly from this change in their economic and family life. This time will be auspicious for those starting a new business. There may be sudden economic benefit. It is also a good time for business partnership. An experienced person or new partner can help increase business. There is a possibility of promotion and increment in job. You can also get a new job proposal. You will get rid of mental stress.


This time can prove to be a time for Leo zodiac to increase success and prosperity. Energy and confidence will increase. Time will be favorable for new investment, can get big profits, there are signs of growth in business. There are chances of getting government jobs. Relationships with higher officials will be strong. Students can get good opportunities for scholarship and admission. The family atmosphere will be happy. Older differences may resolve.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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