Seized laptops pilfered from Nhava Sheva Customs Bond, revealing major security lapses at JNPT | Representational Image
Mumbai: Pilferage of seized laptops from customs bond at Nhava Sheva has exposed major security lapses at Container Freight Stations (CFS) mushrooming on the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) vicinity.
A smuggled consignment of 4600 laptops imported from Hong Kong and Dubai was seized in February 2024 by the Nhava Sheva Customs Special Intelligence and Investigation Branch (SIIB) and kept in Customs Bond at Ameya CFS, Khopate, Khacharpada, Navi Mumbai.
An audit of the seized goods at various CFS led to the discovery of laptops pilferaged from the high security Customs Bond causing major damage embarrassment to the Nhava Sheva Customs.
“Only 647 laptops of the total 4,600 laptops seized were found in the customs custody. Major lapses were detected in the seizure and custody of the confiscated items revealing poor monitoring, inspection and audits by customs officials. Heads will roll for the lapses,” confirmed a senior customs official.
The official further alleged that tresspassing of the most secure customs bonded areas is not possible without connivance of customs officials to let pilferage and thefts of high value seized goods.
According to the custom official, the manager of Ameya CFS was asked to file a police complaint for the Nhava Sheva customs to wash their hands off the case.
The Navi Mumbai Uran Police station senior police inspector Jitendra Misal confirmed complaint of pilfered laptops from Ameya CFS last week. “A complaint of laptops and few other items stolen from CFS is under investigation. Nhava Sheva customs has been asked to share details to take further legal actions, “ said inspector Misal.
Nhava Sheva customs SIIB Assistant Commissioner Salman Shaikh did not respond to calls and messages for comments. Dipak Gupta, customs SIIB commissioner, said “I am on leave and will revert later.”