Professor Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) The admission process for PhD at the State University will start from the last week of March. The university administration has sought details of PhD seats from guides of state and aided colleges affiliated to the board. The special thing is that this time the university will conduct the entrance examination of subjects without net, while in subjects where UGC NET is there, direct admission will be given on merit basis.

This time the state university will call the candidates who passed the joint entrance examination of Net-JRF and PhD for interview on merit and will admission after interview. Vice Chancellor Prof. Akhilesh Kumar Singh said that the state university has started the process of making guides for PhDs in university campus and affiliated colleges. Along with this, the process of seat allocation for PhD has also been started. The university will soon issue an advertisement and seek applications. The final merit will be prepared by adding 70 per cent marks of NET-JRF and 30 per cent of the interview.

Admission was not done in PhD last year

The state university started the process of admission to PhD through the entrance examination in the year 2023. The entrance examination was not conducted by the State University in the year 2024, but it was decided that the UGC’s Net-JRF and PhD will be admitted to the PhD through the Joint Entrance Examination. However, admission could not be obtained in the year 2024.

The process of admission in UG-PG will start in April

The process of admission in the new academic session 2025-26 of the state university is preparing to start in April. Applications will be taken in April. The entry into vocational courses of universities and affiliated colleges will be through the Joint Entrance Examination. While admission to traditional courses will be given on merit basis.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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