Skinned Alive for a Cause: PETA India’s Bold Protest Against Leather Cruelty | File Photo

Mumbai: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India founder Ingrid Newkirk staged a symbolic protest in Bandra (W) on Friday where she demonstrated herself being skinned alive to express the pain of animals. The demonstration aimed to mark a protest against butchery of animals like cows and buffaloes for leather products.

Shoppers and passersby in Mumbai met with a shocking sight on Friday, as PETA India founder Newkirk was gruesomely “skinned alive” by a butcher as she protested that “We are all someones, not somethings.” The protest was held at the intersection of SV Road, Linking Road and Turner Road at 12pm on Friday.

Disclaimer: The below videos contains extremely disturbing visuals. Viewer’s discretion advised.

The powerful demonstration happened in front of a massive banner featuring a slaughterhouse scene with the words ‘Relate to Their Fate’. It delivered the message that cows, buffaloes, and other animals exploited for leather suffer fear and pain and fight for their lives, just as any humans would, and that humans must respect them and not reduce them to accessories.

Newkirk, said, “Every leather bag and shoe is made from the skin of someone who loved their family, valued their life, and didn’t want to die. PETA India encourages everyone to choose only items made from beautiful vegan materials.”

Skinned Alive for a Cause: PETA India's Bold Protest Against Leather Cruelty

Skinned Alive for a Cause: PETA India’s Bold Protest Against Leather Cruelty | File Photo

According to PETA India, cows and buffaloes are fiercely protective mothers who exhibit complex social bonds and experience empathy for other members of their herd. Cows have excellent memories and can navigate and remember mazes quite well. When used for leather, these animals are often crammed into vehicles in such large numbers that their bones break.

Slaughterhouse workers cut the throats of those who survive this ordeal in full view of other animals before dismembering and skinning them, often while they’re still conscious. Run-off from leather tanneries contaminates rivers and streams, harming all life there. Working in tanneries has also been linked to cancer, respiratory infections, and other illnesses in humans, claimed the animal welfare organisation.

PETA India also encouraged people to opt for vegan leather and other animal-friendly options, which are available nationwide in nearly all major shoe and clothing shops. The organisation also issues ‘PETA-Approved Vegan’ certification globally which authenticates handbags, shoes, clothing, accessories, furniture, and home decor items made from vegan materials rather than animals’ body parts such as leather, silk, wool, fur, and feathers.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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