Actor Vivian Dsena, who is currently locked up inside the Bigg Boss 18 house, was recently seen sharing an emotional moment with his wife Nouran Aly when she entered the show during the Family Week. Post leaving the house, Nouran opened up on her love story with Vivian, and also recalled how their marriage was termed ‘love jihad’.

For those unversed, Vivian, who was born into a Christian family, converted to Islam in 2019, and in 2022, he married Nouran, a year after legally separating from his first wife, Vahbiz Dorabjee.

In an interview with Galatta India, Nouran shared how the Sirf Tum actor received hate when he announced their marriage on social media. “I did face trolling on the internet that I converted Vivian to Islam, people called it love jihad and all those things. Vivian too received hate on social media. It also affected his work pattern,” she shared.

She went on to say, “I am not going to judge this but sometimes, it also works against you. We have a lot of differences in terms of beliefs, language, etc. But I told him that in my society, in my religion, I cannot go and do interfaith marriage, because it’s not at all accepted in my side of the world, and I respect that. At the same time, I also respect that one will not change for me.”

“Just to clarify, he was not Hindu, he was Christian. Christianity and Islam are both Abrahamic religions, so they have the same core. But in my religion, women don’t convert,” she added.

Nouran revealed that when the couple was going through a turmoil due to their religious backgrounds, she decided to step back and she took a break from Vivian. “I actually stayed away for six months, because I was very worried and scared that he will do this for me. I knew he would not be spared by the society if he converted for a woman, and I too won’t be spared. I thought it may also create a regret in his heart later if he did it for a woman and the woman did not turn out to be as per his expectations in the marriage. Hence I stayed away for six months, I did not respond to his calls and messages.”

“But then I got to know from a mutual friend that he was studying my religion, for himself, not for me. I had zero interference in this. He studied, he read, he went around and asked people, and after six months, he told my friends that he wanted to talk to me, because he was ready to do it for himself, not for me. Even if I had decided to not be with him, he would have converted anyway because he was doing it for himself,” she explained.

Vivian and Nouran got married in an intimate ceremony in December 2022. The two are now parents to three children. While the actor has two stepdaughters from Nouran’s previous marriage, the couple was blessed with another daughter, Layan, after their marriage.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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