Snowfall in Manali: A large number of vehicles got stuck due to heavy snowfall in Manali, Himachal Pradesh on Monday (23 December). In which vehicles remained stranded for hours between tourist Solang and Atal Tunnel Rohtang. According to officials, about 1 thousand vehicles remained stuck in the long traffic jam. After which the police conducted a rescue operation and one by one the vehicles were removed from there and the jam situation was brought under control.


Police rescued

In the video of Manali jam going viral on social media, it can be seen how a large number of vehicles are stuck in the snowfall. The police was trying to remove him. It is being told that this situation arose due to the huge crowd of tourists who had come to celebrate Christmas and New Year on the snow covered mountains.


Travelers thoroughly enjoyed the snowfall

Notably, earlier Shimla was covered with snow, bringing new hope and happiness to the city. It snowed here for the first time on December 8, then after two weeks it started snowing again, which the travelers enjoyed. The snowfall has also revived the enthusiasm of the local tourism industry, which is trying to recover from the damage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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