Guru transit 2025: Jupiter changes the zodiac in 1 year. In the year 2025, Jupiter’s transit is going to be held in May. The transit of Jupiter can prove to be quite troublesome for people of 3 zodiac signs. Jupiter will enter Gemini on 14 May 2025. Jupiter is currently in Taurus. In May, Mercury will change its zodiac and transit in Gemini. Then it will travel to Gemini for the next one year.

Guru will be a superstitious person.

Entry of Gemini of Jupiter can increase difficulties for certain zodiac signs as it will increase the speed of Jupiter three times. In astrology, it is called extreme.


Jupiter is transiting in Gemini. This will not be considered auspicious for the people of this zodiac. Jupiter can cause problems for Gemini people in both their personal and professional life. There may be economic loss. You may have to face failure or loss in your career.



The transit of Jupiter cannot be said to be good for the health of Capricorn. It is best for these people to take care of your health. Apart from this, do not do any immoral act, otherwise you may be infamous.


The transit of Jupiter can create challenges in the life of Sagittarius people. You may suffer financial loss. Do not invest risky. Take care of your speech. You can be a victim of any disease or injury. You will also be under the influence of Saturn, so be careful at this time.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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