Urvashi Rautela is currently basking in the success of her recently released Telugu movie Daaku Maharaaj. The film, which hit the theatres on January 12, has crossed the 100 crore mark at the global box office and stars Nandamuri Balakrishna, Shraddha Srinath, Bobby Deol and Pragya Jaiswal along with Urvashi. Recently, the actress joined The Free Press Journal for an exclusive conversation where she spoke about Daaku Maharaaj receiving a better response than Ram Charan and Kiara Advani’s highly anticipated movie Game Changer which released on January 10.

When asked about Daaku Maharaaj doing better than Game Changer, Urvashi said, “As a team, I feel very proud of the entire Daaku Maharaaj team. I have already worked with Shankar Sir in Indian 2. He is a visionary filmmaker. He is a very good person and I have always had a good bond with him. He is such an amazing filmmaker but I am also reading a lot of tweets on social media that ‘Kiara Advani’s film is a disaster and Urvashi, your film Daaku Maharaj has become such a super-duper hit’. And I am like it’s not my fault that her film did not work.”

“Now audiences are liking Daaku Maharaaj so much and appreciating the film including my song Dabiddi Dibbidi and my acting performance. My action is also getting appreciated so what else does one need? As an actor, I have always wanted to work with visionary filmmakers and big banners. Congratulations to Sithara Entertainment also for backing such a nice period drama film. My heartfelt thanks to the entire team,” she added.

When asked about the audience liking her performance over Kiara Advani’s, Urvashi candidly said, “It’s all happening because of the audiences and their love. As far as I know, my fan base is very loyal and they actually fight for me. I have a loyal global fan base and it’s not only because of India, it’s because of my global projects also. Because of Miss Universe and the other work that I have done in the past. I am so glad to have such a loyal global fan base.”

Directed by Bobby Kolli, Daaku Maharaaj is based on a daring robber, striving for survival and establishing his own territory amid conflicts with powerful adversaries, battling to become a king without a kingdom.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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