Fresh green peas sold during the cold season are one such diabetes friendly vegetable. Green peas are an excellent super food that is not only delicious but also contains nutrients that help in maintaining balanced blood sugar levels in the body. Along with this, it also works to protect the body from many diseases-

keeps blood sugar under control

Peas have low glycemic index (GI), which helps in managing blood sugar. The fiber and protein present in peas are also helpful in preventing fluctuations in Achna’s blood sugar.

improves digestion

Green peas have high fiber content, which improves digestion. Also, fiber makes the stomach feel full for a long time, which reduces hunger and prevents overeating.

Helpful in building muscles

Green peas also contain a good amount of protein, which provides energy to the body and helps in repairing muscles. In such a situation, if you go to the gym, then definitely include peas in your diet.

beneficial for eyes

Peas are very beneficial for eye health. Half a cup of green peas contains 47% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin A, the vitamin best known for maintaining vision and preventing macular degeneration.

weight loss aid

Consumption of green peas also helps in weight loss. It has low calories and helps in filling the stomach quickly, thereby avoiding overeating and unhealthy snacks. Due to which weight is controlled.

How to consume peas?

It is very easy to include green peas in your diet. You can eat green peas by boiling them, adding them to soup, in the form of salad or by mixing them with vegetables. Apart from this, it can also be eaten with roti. Green peas are available in fresh form in winter, which is most beneficial.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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