On Thursday, BJP and Congress were protesting in the Parliament House complex on the issue of Baba Saheb Ambedkar. Meanwhile, two BJP MPs were injured due to the scuffle between the two parties and were taken to hospital. While Rahul Gandhi is being accused of being pushed by a BJP MP, a BJP MP from Nagaland has also made some allegations against Rahul Gandhi.
BJP woman MP made allegations
A BJP MP from Nagaland alleged that we were protesting peacefully. Rahul Gandhi came and stood very close. They started shouting. I became uncomfortable at that time. Rahul Gandhi does not like such behaviour. I have complained about this to the chairman.
Nagaland BJP MP Phangnon Konyak said that I have met the Rajya Sabha speaker. I have demanded my safety. Today I was protesting peacefully outside. Rahul Gandhi was standing very close. I freaked out. Rahul Gandhi started shouting at me. It does not suit Rahul Gandhi to shout at a woman MP like this. I am very sad and need protection. He said, I belong to Scheduled Tribe and I did not like Rahul’s behaviour.
I am paying attention to this matter – Jagdeep Dhankhar
Rajya Sabha Speaker Jagdeep Dhankhar has admitted that he has received a complaint from a woman MP. The female MP reached him crying, Ri has the information. He has given me a written complaint. The MP has met me. I am discussing this. He was in great shock. I am looking into this matter