Delhi Police has handed over the investigation of the case registered on the complaints of both the parties regarding the scuffle in the Parliament complex to the Crime Branch. The dispute took place on Thursday between the opposition and NDA MPs at the Makar Gate of the Parliament complex, in which both the BJP and the Congress have made serious allegations against each other.

FIR registered against Rahul Gandhi

On the complaint of BJP MPs, an FIR has been registered against Congress leader and leader of opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi at Sansad Marg police station. In the complaint, it has been said that BJP MPs Pratap Chandra Sarangi and Mukesh Rajput were injured and a woman MP of BJP from Nagaland has accused Rahul Gandhi of misbehavior.

The FIR includes Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections 117 (voluntarily causing grievous hurt), 115 (attempt to cause hurt), 125 (act endangering life or personal safety), 131 (criminal force), 351 ( Criminal intimidation) and 3(5) (common intention).

According to the police, most of these sections are bailable, but the punishment under Section 117 depends on the seriousness of the injury, with provisions ranging from seven years to life imprisonment.

Serious allegations against BJP in Congress’ complaint

On the other hand, Congress in its complaint has accused BJP MPs of pushing Mallikarjun Kharge and committing offenses under the Scheduled Caste/Tribe (SC/ST) Act. Congress claims that BJP MPs misbehaved with Congress leaders during the protest over insulting BR Ambedkar.

Crime branch will investigate the case

A senior Delhi Police official said that this sensitive case has been transferred to the Crime Branch for impartial investigation. A thorough investigation will be conducted on the complaints of both the parties, so that the truth of the matter can be revealed.

Cause of dispute and further action

The focal point of the clash in the Parliament complex is said to be the issue of alleged insult to BR Ambedkar. This dispute between BJP and Congress has now taken the form of a legal battle. Only after the investigation by the Crime Branch will the situation become clear as to who is guilty in this incident and what will be the further action.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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