India’s Manu Bhaker finished fourth in the women’s 25m pistol shooting event and won an unprecedented two medals with a brilliant campaign at the Olympic Games on Saturday. The 22-year-old Bhaker scored 28 in the eight-woman final. She missed a hat-trick of medals in a single Games season. Bhaker lost to bronze medalist Veronica Major of Hungary in a shoot-off. Before Bhaker, no Indian athlete (independent India) had won more than one medal in an Olympics.

Bhaker scored 590 out of a possible 600 (294 in accuracy, 296 in quick) in the qualification and finished second in her third final of these Olympics. Bhaker had earlier won a bronze medal in the individual 10m air pistol event and then finished third with Sarabjot Singh in the 10m air pistol mixed team event. Bhaker’s second bronze medal made her the first Indian to win two medals in the same Olympic Games since independence.

Manu has a bad start
Manu Bhaker had a poor start in the 25m pistol final. She could hit only two out of five shots. She was in sixth place but has since moved up to fourth place by hitting four out of five targets.

Manu Bhaker made another brilliant comeback
Manu Bhaker hit four out of five shots in the next round and moved to second place in the elimination round. Thus she joined the medal race. However, the end was sad for Manu. She lost in the third-fourth place elimination shoot-off. Although she missed out on a medal, the 22-year-old performed brilliantly and will return home with two medals from the Paris Olympics.

Korea wins the gold!
Jeon Yang of South Korea won the gold medal in a shoot-off against silver medallist Camille Jedrzejewski of France. Hungary’s Veronika Major won the bronze medal after scoring just 2/5 in her final round.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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