Veteran actor and former Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Paresh Rawal took a jibe at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on X. On Sunday (January 12), the actor reacted to a viral post which featured an AI-generated picture of Rahul with a donkey.
An X user posted the said photo and wrote, “Can someone remove the donkey from this picture?”
Paresh re-posted the picture and asked, “You mean empty the frame?” His post has garnered over 2.1 million views in less than 20 hours.
Soon after he shared the post, a section of social media users asked him to ‘hesitate’. Others posted laughing emoticons in the comments sections. Some also called his vibe at the Congress leader ‘brutal’.
The veteran actor is not only celebrated for his versatile performances Bollywood films but also for his political career. He entered politics in 2014 by joining the BJP and was elected as a Member of Parliament (MP) from Ahmedabad East constituency in Gujarat. During his tenure, he actively participated in parliamentary debates and contributed to cultural and developmental discussions.
He had won as the BJP’s MP from Ahmedabad East constituency in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. However, he decided not to contest the 2019 elections.
Paresh Rawal’s upcoming projects
Meanwhile, on the work front, the actor was last seen in Jo Tera Hai Woh Mera Hai. He is all set to reunite with Akshay Kumar in films like Welcome To The Jungle, Bhooth Bangla, and Hera Pheri 3.
The veteran actor will also be seen in films like Thama, The Taj Story, and Badtameez Gill.