There is a village in Unnao, Uttar Pradesh, whose name is Bhatpura. Today there is a mournful silence in this village. Here a family has lost the head of its household. There are also four small children in this family, whose age is less than 18 years. The villagers were seen asking how will the family survive? Because the person who was murdered was the only earning member of the family. The name of the deceased is Mukesh Kumar, who was shot dead by terrorists in Kashmir.

Deceased Mukesh left behind two sons Pankaj (16 years), Ankush (6 years) and two daughters Nisha (19 years) and Khushi (8 years). When information about the incident reached the village, there was chaos in the house. As soon as the children came to know that father was no more, they started crying. CO Purva Deepak Kumar said that the body of the deceased is expected to reach Unnao late Tuesday evening. The terrorists targeted Mukesh when he went to the bank to send money home.

Mukesh used to work as a laborer

Mukesh Kumar (age 40), a youth from Bhatpura village of Asoha police station area, works as a labourer. Five months ago, he had gone to Kashmir to work with his other colleagues, where he worked as a laborer at a brick kiln located in Budgam district of South Kashmir.

went to the bank to deposit money

On Monday morning around 11 am, he went to the bank located in Navpura to deposit money to send money home. He had just reached there when the terrorists shot him, resulting in his death. Local people informed this to other comp.ons of the deceased youth. Colleagues sent this information to his house, as soon as the family members came to know about Mukesh’s death, they started crying.

Whoever heard it, came to his house and started getting information about the incident. When, how and why Mukesh was murdered, many questions were floating in the minds of people. The family members of deceased Mukesh told that he had gone to Kashmir to work in a brick kiln only five months ago. We talked to him almost every day at home. He had also talked to his family members on Monday. Kumar, Unnao