Pankaj Tripathi and Mridula Tripathi recently celebrated their 21st wedding anniversary. Pankaj Tripathi is known for his simplicity and excellent acting, and his simple love story also holds a special place in the hearts of the audience. On this special occasion, a video is going viral in which Pankaj is seen bowing down before his wife while making her wear a ring. His emotional style is being liked very much by the fans.

View after wearing the ring

This video has been shared by writer Atul Kumar Rai on his social media. He wrote along with the video, “When you start losing faith in love stories after reading negative news all the time, then you look at these two… and then you believe that love is just another name for hope.” He congratulated Pankaj and Mridula on their 21st anniversary and wished the couple a happy forever.

Love from fans in the comment section

In the video, Pankaj Tripathi cuts the cake after making his wife wear the ring and feeds the cake to each other. People standing around him applaud, and Pankaj bows before his wife with folded hands. Fans have congratulated him in the comment section. One user wrote, “How beautiful,” while another posted a series of heart emojis. Another follower said, “God bless this lovely family.”

story of love

Pankaj Tripathi and Mridula’s love marriage took place on January 15, 2004, and since then their love story is touching new heights every day. Although Pankaj does not believe in showing off his love, whenever he shares the beautiful moments of his relationship, fans appreciate him a lot.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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