9 January 2025, Thursday, has special significance according to the Hindu calendar. on this day Paush month of Shukla Paksha of dashami tithi Is. with date Bharani Nakshatra And sadhya yoga The combination of makes it auspicious. Also, information related to major auspicious and inauspicious Muhurat of the day, Rahukaal and position of the Moon is helpful in planning daily tasks.
Daily Almanac 9 January 2025
ephemeral elements | Description |
date | Dashami (till 12:22) |
constellation | Bharani (by 15:06) |
sum | Sadhya (up to 17:22) |
first case | Gaara (until 12:22) |
second case | Commercial (till 23:21) |
wise | Thursday |
sunrise | 07:18 |
sunset | 17:36 |
position of the moon | Aries |
Rahukaal | 13:45 − 15:02 |
Abhijeet Muhurta | 12:07 − 12:48 |
Vikrami Samvat | 2081 |
Saka era | 1946 |
What is Hindu calendar?
hindu almanacalso known as Vedic calendar, is an ancient means of accurate calculation of time and period. Panchang has five major parts:
- date
- constellation
- wise
- sum
- Karan
Auspicious and inauspicious times and daily routine are decided on the basis of these five elements.
The date is determined by the position between the Moon and the Sun. There are total 30 dates in every month, which Darker fortnight (New Moon to Full Moon) and dark side Divided into (full moon to new moon).
- today’s date: Dashami (Shukla Paksha)
- Names of dates: Pratipada, Dwitiya, Tritiya, Chaturthi, Panchami, Shashthi, Saptami, Ashtami, Navami, Dashami, Ekadashi, Dwadashi, Trayodashi, Chaturdashi, Purnima/Amavasya.
Constellations represent star clusters in the sky. Their number is 27 and each Nakshatra is ruled by nine planets.
- today’s constellation: Bharani (by 15:06).
- Major 27 Nakshatras: Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyestha, Moola, Purvashadha, Uttarashadha, Shravan, Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha, Purvabhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada, Revati.
Vaar means day. The seven days of the week are based on the names of the planets:
- Monday (Moon),
- Tuesday (Mars),
- Wednesday (Mercury),
- Thursday (Jupiter),
- Friday (Venus),
- Saturday (Saturn),
- Sunday (Sun planet).
- today’s attack: Thursday.
Calculation based on specific distances of Sun and Moon is called Yoga. There are 27 types of yoga.
- today’s yoga:Sadhya (till 17:22).
- Names of major yogas: Vishkumbh, Preeti, Ayushman, Saubhagya, Shobhan, Atigand, Sukarma, Dhriti, Shool, Gand, Vriddhi, Dhruva, Vyaghat, Harshan, Vajra, Siddhi, Vyatipat, Variyaan, Parigh, Shiva, Siddha, Sadhya, Shubh. , Shukla, Brahma, Indra, Vaidhriti.
There are two Karanas in one Tithi. There are 11 types:
- bv
- hair
- Kaulav
- Taitil
- gar
- commercial
- Vishti
- Shakuni
- quadrupedal
- snake
- kistughna
- today’s action: Gaara (till 12:22), Vanij (till 23:21).
Rahukaal is that time of the day which is considered inauspicious. During this period, starting any auspicious work is avoided.
- Today’s Rahukaal: 13:45 − 15:02.
Abhijeet Muhurta
Abhijeet Muhurta is an auspicious time of the day. It is considered best for starting works.
- Today’s Abhijeet Muhurta: 12:07 − 12:48.