In the past few months, explicit videos have been shared on the internet with claims that they feature Pakistani social celebrities. Most of these videos have turned out to be fake. The latest victim of this malicious campaign is the famous Pakistani news anchor Mona Alam. Mona, who hosts a show named “Question Hour with Mona Alam” on the Pakistani news channel Hum News, took to X (formerly Twitter) to respond to the alleged explicit video involving her.

Mona shared a screenshot of the purported video and said, “This woman’s objectionable video is being spread by petty haters on social media, claiming it’s me.”

She explained that the woman whose video is being circulated under her name is a proven criminal. To clarify, she shared a real screenshot of the woman in question.

Mona also posted a picture of a copy of the police complaint she filed regarding the issue.

In her post, the news anchor further informed that she had filed a complaint on the matter and said, “My character is spotless, and all those campaigning against it will face the music!”

In her complaint filed before the Additional Director of the Federal Investigation Agency Cyber Crime, Islamabad, Mona shared the links to social media posts in which the explicit videos were falsely attributed to her.

In the complaint, she said, “It is stated that some individuals are found uploading highly intimidating and explicit content/comments on social media on his YouTube, claiming that there is an explicit video of me leaked on social media.”

“Furthermore, several senior journalists have been sent a fake adult-rated video via WhatsApp messages, claiming it’s mine,” she added.

Notably, in the past few months, several Pakistani celebrities have faced similar character assassination campaigns.

Several Pakistani influencers, including Maryam Faisal, Kanwal Aftab, Minahil Malik, Mathira Mohammad, and Imsha Rehman, have been targeted with alleged explicit videos circulating online. Many of them have refuted claims that the videos are authentic or associated with them.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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