The news of train kidnapping in Pakistan drew attention to everyone last evening. Who kidnapped the train and why? The question arose as to who was in the train. Two brothers, Majid Senior and Majid Junior. Both Baloch are burning in the fire of nationalism. With the dream of an independent country. Both are sacrificed for this purpose. But the sacrifice of these two brothers stressed the demand for separate Balochistan. Then the dangerous fideline squad Majeed Brigade goes out of the land of Balochistan to confront the Pakistani Army. This is the same brigade who kidnapped the Jafar Express going from Quetta to Peshawar.


Majid wanted to take revenge on Bhutto.

2 August 1974. Location-Quetta. A young man is waiting for the opportunity by climbing the tree. He has a grenade in his hand. It will burst at any moment. The target of this fidayeen is the then Prime Minister of Pakistan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Who came to Quetta to participate in a procession. This boy’s name was Majid Senior. Majid wanted to take revenge on Bhutto.

Story of sacrifice of Majeed brothers and fideline squad…

Bhutto sacked the National Awami Party government in Balochistan, which was talking about Baloch rights. Balochistan wanted to exist as a separate country since 1947. But then Mohammad Ali Jinnah merged this province in Pakistan using force.

The National Awami Party of Balochistan is now fighting for the rights and freedom of Baloch. The party wanted Balochistan to get more regional autonomy. After Bangladesh’s separation in 1971, his demand intensified.

On the other hand, Bhutto was troubled by Pakistan’s defeat in 1971 and construction of Bangladesh. They were not ready to give any concession. He always tried to weaken the government of Baloch province. And eventually he dismissed the National Awami Party government.

So this is the background of Majid’s story. He wanted to avenge it.

Majid knew that this operation would mean his death. But he was not scared at all. He was waiting for the convoy of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto with a grenade in his hand. He had to throw a grenade. BBC Urdu has said in one of its reports that Majeed lost his life in this operation. His mission did not succeed. But he opened the way for sacrifice. His stories became an inspiration for the Baloch movement. Two years after the death of Majid Senior, another boy was born to his house. His parents named him Majid Junior.

Money and modern weapons from abroad

The American think tank The Jamestown Foundation writes that Majeed Brigade gets money from abroad. Baloch migrants living abroad mainly donate money to this movement. Hawala channel is used for this.

The Majid Fideline Brigade is well equipped and has several high -grade weapons which have been used during operations.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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