Maharashtra is gearing up to revolutionize vehicle fitness testing with the introduction of more than 40 Automated Testing Stations (ATS) across the state. According to sources, Rosmerta Technologies has secured a Rs 400 crore contract to establish 21 state-of-the-art centres, which will be operational within a year. Apart from that, two other companies have also bagged the tender for setting up around 20 ATS centers across the state.

The project aims to ensure a hassle-free and transparent experience for vehicle owners while bolstering road safety.

“The ATS facilities will be equipped with cutting-edge technology to conduct nearly 40 different tests on vehicles, including checks on braking systems, headlamps, tyres, batteries, retro-reflective tapes, and speedometers. Vehicles failing critical tests such as brakes, clutches, or lights will be deemed “unfit” by the Regional Transport Office (RTO), which will oversee the testing process. Vehicle owners can apply for retests following necessary repairs” said an official.

Currently, fitness certification involves manual inspections by Motor Vehicle Inspectors (MVIs) at RTOs. However, the automated centres aim to eliminate subjectivity and human error by introducing a scientific, precise, and unbiased testing process. “These centres will promote transparency and objectivity in the vehicle testing system while enhancing public confidence in the fitness certification process,” said an official.

The ATS facilities will be integrated with the Vahan system and RTOs for seamless operations, ensuring a streamlined experience for both authorities and vehicle owners. Managed by the web-based Automated Fitness Management System (AFMS), the centres will allow citizens to book fitness test slots, access results, and download fitness certificates online. Regular audits conducted every six months will ensure compliance and maintain the integrity of the testing procedures.

Kartick Nagpal, President of Rosmerta Technologies, expressed his enthusiasm for the project: “At Rosmerta, we view safety as the foundation of sustainable mobility. Winning this tender is a significant step toward realizing our vision of a safer transportation network across India. By leveraging cutting-edge technology in Automated Testing Stations, we aim to tackle the pressing challenge of road safety with greater efficiency and accountability.”

This initiative aligns with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) guidelines and represents a significant shift in vehicle fitness testing. The automated centres aim to reduce the role of agents and brokers, ensuring a fair, transparent, and efficient process.

Rosmerta Technologies, which has already implemented three centres in Karnataka and tested over half a million vehicles nationwide, will operationalize the Maharashtra centres within a year under the supervision of the State Transport Department.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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