In November 2024, India’s industrial production increased 5.2 per cent year-over-year, up from 3.5 per cent in October, the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation said Friday. The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) increased from 141.1 to 148.4 in November.
The manufacturing sector led the growth, increasing by 5.8 per cent, while the mining and electricity sectors grew by 1.9 per cent and 4.4 per cent, respectively.
Basic metals (7.6 per cent), other non-metallic mineral products (12.0 per cent), and electrical equipment (37.2 per cent) were the top three manufacturing industry groups, with 18 out of 23 showing positive growth.
Infrastructure and construction goods with highest growth
The category with the largest growth, according to use-based classification, was infrastructure and construction goods (10 per cent), followed by capital goods (9 per cent) and consumer durables (13.1 per cent).
Consumer non-durables increased by a slight 0.6 per cent, while primary and intermediate goods increased by 2.7 per cent and 5 per cent, respectively.
In November 2024, the primary goods index was 147.7, the capital goods index was 106.8, the intermediate goods index was 158.8, and the infrastructure/construction goods index was 180.6.
The IIP grew 4.1 per cent during the April–November period, compared to 6.5 per cent during the same period last year.
In the manufacturing sector, November 2024 saw positive growth for 18 of the 23 industry groups at the NIC 2-digit level when compared to November 2023. The manufacturing of electrical equipment (37.2 percent),’manufacturing of other non-metallic mineral products’ (12.0 per cent), and ‘manufacturing of basic metals’ (7.6 per cent) are the top three contributors for November 2024.