Wednesday morning brought disappointing news for Indian cinema fans, India was sent to the Oscars. Director Kiran Rao’s ‘Wapata Ladies’, which was one of people’s favorite films this year, did not make it to the top 15 films in the ‘International Feature Film’ category at the Oscars. However, while on one hand it was disappointing for the fans that ‘Missing Ladies’ could not make it to this list, on the other hand it is a big surprise for the fans of Hindi films in this top 15 list.


Asha is from British Hindi film, not from India

Hindi film ‘Santosh’, which is in the race for Oscar in the ‘International Feature Film’ category from the United Kingdom (UK), has made it to the top 15. British Indian filmmaker Sandhya Suri’s film ‘Santosh’ has made it to the final shortlist of the Oscars. The film is an international co-production between the UK, India, Germany and France.

The film is an international co-production between the UK, India, Germany and France


After Missing Ladies is out of the Oscar race, Indian film lovers will have high expectations from ‘Santosh’ as ​​the cast and crew of the film includes many well-known Indian names. The film’s actress Shahana Goswami has been a part of many popular Bollywood films. She also won the Filmfare Award for Best Actress for Farhan Akhtar’s film ‘Rock On’ (2008). Shahana has also worked in films like Manoj Bajpayee’s ‘Gali Guliyan’, ‘Honeymoon Travels Private Limited’ and Kapil Sharma’s ‘Zvigato’.

‘Santosh’ is a woman’s story

Based in North India, ‘Santosh’ is the story of a woman who takes up a police job in his place after her husband’s death. ‘Panchayat’ and ‘Gulak’ fame actress Sunita Rajwar is in the lead role along with Shahana Goswami. Actors like Kushal Dubey, Naval Shukla, Sanjay Awasthi are in supporting roles. The shooting of ‘Santosh’ has been done in Lucknow.

The film has received rave reviews from critics since its inception.


‘Santosh’ premiered in the ‘Uncertain Regards’ section of the Cannes Film Festival this year. There the film was highly appreciated for addressing issues like casteism and old muscle politics. The film has received a lot of appreciation from critics since its inception.

Expressing happiness over the achievement of ‘Santosh’, actress Shahana Goswami wrote on Instagram, ‘I am very happy for the team, especially our writer-director Sandhya Suri that she got a small recognition for our film ‘Santosh’! How amazing to be shortlisted from a list of 85 films. Thanks to everyone who liked this movie and voted for it.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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