Onlyfans model Sophie Rain, at just 20, has redefined stereotypes and shattered records. Earning an astounding $43 million (over Rs 367 crore) on OnlyFans between November 2023 and November 2024, she stands among the platform’s most successful creators. However, beyond her bold online persona and immense fortune, Sophie has challenged conventional narratives.
Recently, she opened up about her life and revealed that she identifies herself as a devout Christian. She also maintained that she is a virgin.
In an interview with YouTuber Kowski, the Miami-based influencer explained, “I’m a Christian. I know it seems odd that I’m doing [OnlyFans], but I don’t do anything else with anyone on my OnlyFans. It’s just me…I’m a virgin. I’m a virgin till this day.” Sophie also said that she is waiting for the right person to share her life with.
Who is Sophie Rain?
Sophie was born and brought up in Florida, however, she experienced hardship firsthand, relying on food stamps as her parents struggled to make ends meet. Now, after achieving success on OnlyFans, Sophie has reportedly used her earnings to pay off her family’s tax debts.
Sophie’s influence reaches far beyond OnlyFans and she is quite active on other social media platforms. She has over nine million TikTok followers, five million on Instagram, and three million on Snapchat.
Her most popular TikTok video, where she dances to J. Dash’s hit Wop, has gone viral, racking up over 96 million views.
A few days back, Sophie stunned her fans by revealing her staggering income over the past year. She shared a screenshot of her OnlyFans earnings—an eye-popping $43.4 million on X (formerly known as Twitter). Expressing her gratitude, she captioned the post, “Thankful for one year on here.”