Benefits of onion juice: Onions contain nutrients including sodium, potassium, folate, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Onion is also rich in anti-inflammatory properties. Onion has anti-allergy and anti-oxidant properties. All these elements make onion a super food. If used properly, onion works like a medicine for health problems.


Onion is generally used to enhance taste in various types of dishes. But do you know that you can get miraculous benefits by using onion juice or onion powder? Onion juice helps in removing toxins from the body and also helps in weight loss. Today I will tell you about the benefits of drinking onion juice, knowing which you will also start drinking one spoon of onion juice daily.


Benefits of drinking onion juice

1. If your hair is getting damaged and falling more, then apply onion juice to your hair and start drinking onion juice. By drinking onion juice daily, hair will start getting nourishment in a few days and hair will become stronger.

2. Drinking onion juice improves metabolism. It helps in reducing excess weight. By drinking onion juice every morning on an empty stomach, you will see quick benefits. Because it will remove toxins from the body.


3. People who have low immunity and often remain ill should drink onion juice daily. Drinking onion juice increases immunity and provides nutrients to the body, which maintains good health.

4. Onion juice not only brings shine to the skin but also to the hair. Drinking onion juice cleans the body from inside and has an effect on the skin.


5. Onion juice contains flavonoids which also help in controlling high blood pressure. This reduces the risk of heart related problems.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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