What not to eat with Rajra Roti: People eat millet roti with great enthusiasm during winter season. It is rich in protein, fiber and minerals. This bread is also suitable for those who are allergic to gluten as it is gluten free. It is eaten extensively with mustard greens during the winter season.

This is the most popular dish of winter. However, you will get the benefits of eating millet rota only if you eat it with the right foods. Eating certain food items with millet roti can have a bad effect on your health. So let us know which things should not be eaten with millet roti. Here we are telling you about those things which should be avoided with millet roti.

What not to eat with millet roti
You should not eat non-vegetarian food with millet roti. Since both Bajri and non-vegetarian food are hot in nature, they can have adverse effects on your body. This may cause digestive problems.

Apart from this, gram should not be eaten with millet roti. Because it can cause acidity in your body. This happens due to excessive use of spices, which can cause problems of gas and constipation.

Apart from this, people who have ulcers, chronic acidity and skin related problems should not consume rota made from millet.


Eating too much fried or heavy food like bhujia, samosa or pakodas with bajra roti can spoil the digestion process. Because millet is rich in fiber and fried food cannot be digested properly. This can cause gas, bloating and stomach problems.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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