Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on Thursday (December 19) backed Congress MP Rahul Gandhi amid Bharatiya Janata Party’s allegations that the leader of opposition assaulted one of its MPs. Taking to social media platform X (formerly Twitter) Abdullah said that it was ‘simply not in the nature’ of Rahul Gandhi to be rude to anyone. He quoted a post by news agency ANI which contained video of BJP MP Pratap Sarangi who accused Rahul of causing injury to him.
What started as a protests by MPs of INDIA bloc and BJP over the Amit Shah Ambedkar row, devolved into allegations and counter-allegations of assault.
On Thursday morning, INDIA bloc and the BJP held protests over Ambedkar controversy. Multiple media reports said that a ‘scuffle’ erupted between MPs of the two sides. BJP MP Sarangi soon alleged that Rahul Gandhi pushed an MP who then fell on him causing Sarangi to fall down and getting injured. Sarangi was admitted to Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital.
Rahul Says Sarangi Pushed Him
Rahul Gandhi was seen in a video recorded by Press Trust of India (PTI) alleging that it was Sarangi who pushed him.
In the video, Rahul can be seen approaching an injured Sarangi in the middle of a group of BJP MPs.
Woman MP Alleges Rahul Gandhi Misbehaved With Her
Meanwhile, a massive allegation was leveled at Rahul Gandhi by BJP MP Phangnon Konyak who said that Rahul Gandhi misbehaved with her.
She has made the allegation in a letter to Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar.
Speaking to the media about the incident, Phangnon Konyak said, “LoP Rahul Gandhi came close… I did not like it, and he started shouting. Whatever happened today is very unfortunate; this should not happen. We did not appreciate the way they threatened us… I have also lodged a complaint with the Chairman.”
At the time of publishing of this story, Rahul Gandhi had not replied on the allegation by the woman BJP MP.