OSSC CGL Mains 2025: An important notice has been released by the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) regarding the Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Mains Examination 2024. According to the official notice, aspirants who are going to appear in the Language Paper (English and Odia) which is going to be held on March 30, will now come to the exam centre from 9 AM to 11 AM instead of 10 AM to 12 Noon.

OSSC CGL Mains 2025 | ossc.gov.in
The modification only impacts the Language Paper; no further changes were made to the exam schedule for March 29 and 30. The Mathematics Test and General Studies will take place as previously set up, with all other criteria from the previous announcement remaining unchanged.
OSSC CGL Mains 2025: Admit card
The OSSC has also informed us that admit cards for the CGL Mains 2025 exam will be made available today, March 24, 2025. Applicants can obtain their hall tickets straight from the official OSSC website, ossc.gov.in. Aspirants should carefully study their admit cards for full details of the exam.
The admit card includes information such as the Candidate’s name, date of birth, photograph, signature, exam venue, important details, date and time of the exam, and roll number.
OSSC CGL Mains 2025: How to download the admit card?
To download the OSSC CGL Mains 2025, aspirants need to follow the mentioned below steps:
Step 1: Visit the official website of OSSC at ossc.gov.in.
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the Detailed Notice regarding the conduct of the Main Written Examination & Mathematics Test of Combined Graduate Level Recruitment Examination 2024 admit card link.
Step 3: After this, enter the login credentials.
Step 4: Now, the admit card will appear on the screen.
Step 5: Download the OSSC CGL Mains admit card 2025 and take a printout of the same for future reference.
OSSC CGL Mains 2025: Exam pattern
The exam pattern consists of paper 1 (English, Odia, and General Studies) and paper 2 (General Knowledge, Arithmetic Ability, Computer Awareness, Data Interpretation, and Reasoning). The main test will comprise disciplines such as Mathematics, Language (English and Odia), and General Studies. The exam consists of 100 marks on each pap