Obesity is a rapidly growing problem in India. Obesity has spread like an epidemic over the years. Whether it is jeans, food or something… is it pushing Indians towards obesity? According to reports, in 1990, only 12 percent of women and 8 percent of male in India were obese, and only 7.3 million of these people were young men aged 15 to 24. But in the year 2021, 29.8 million youth of this age group fell victim to obese and today in 2025 India is over 100 million people weighing over and obesity has surrounded them from all sides.
Obesity was considered a sign of prosperity
There was a time in India when obesity was considered a sign of prosperity and it was said that such people belong to ‘wealthy families’. Even in Hindi films, it was shown that poor people are thin and the village ‘set’ and zamindars are fat. But now the situation has changed. And now poor people are overweight and those who are financially rich are fit and they do not have obesity and the biggest reason for this is the changing catering of our country.
Fresh food is becoming more expensive.
Today, fresh food is expensive in our country and packaged processed food is cheaper. For example, a vegetarian plate costs Rs 120, while the burger costs Rs 50 and the price of pizza is Rs 70. Similarly, today if a person buys fresh potatoes from the market, cooks and eats, then the cost of cooking those vegetables will come for 25 to 30 rupees, while the packet of chips made from the same potato is available for 10 rupees and that is why people in our country are getting away from fresh ripe food and are eating packaged processed food.
Junk food sales increased three times
According to reports, the sale of junk food in India has increased 3 times in the last 10 years and in the year 2022 people of India must have eaten junk food worth Rs 2.5 lakh crore and it is a matter of great concern.
This factor is also responsible
Apart from this, there is also a bad lifestyle in which people sit in the car as soon as they leave the house and then sit in the office and work. Due to this, they are unable to do physical activities and fat starts accumulating in the body. Instead of eating homemade food, getting food from restaurant, having oil containing oil in the middle of food and drinking tea and coffee also increases fat.
US army also suffers from obesity
You must have seen many policemen in our country, whose stomach looks bad and they are fat. But imagine that if this type of obesity is found even in military personnel, what would you say? The US army is considered to be the most powerful army in the world, but now according to a new report it will become the world’s most unfit and thick soldiers in the coming years.
Lack of fit youth
The reason for this is that America is not getting healthy youth for recruitment in its army and it is being forced to recruit people in their army who are obese. This report has been released by the US Department of Defense, stating that most of the youths admitted to his army are far beyond the prescribed level of body fat.
According to the rules, only those youths between the ages of 17 to 27 are admitted to the US Army, whose physical fat is 20 to 22 percent, but currently the physical fat percent of young soldiers in the US is 45 to 55 percent. If a person’s body fat percentage is 40 or more, it is said to be overweight or obese, and such a person is considered severely obese and is more at risk of diabetes, heart attack or heart disease.
US Army most disqualified
America ranks first among five countries with the most incompetent and thick forces in the world, Britain in second place, Mexico in third place, Saudi Arabia fourth and Australia is fifth.
Till now the Indian Army has been free from this obesity problem, but the way the problem of obesity in our country is increasing, it seems that in future, India will also have to recruit such youth in the army which will be unfit and obese.
So many crores of people can be obese
According to an estimate, India’s population will reach 1.67 billion in the next 25 years, of which 55 crore people will suffer from obesity and will be at greater risk of having a heart attack.
This obesity and diseases caused by it will affect the country’s workforce in the future. And we will not find qualified youths for recruitment in our army. And here is not just about the army. It is possible that India should not get fit players in future. And it is also possible that in future, the advertisements of marriage in newspapers also change. Till now these advertisements are asked about the age, height, business etc. of the bride and groom.
But in the coming time, the weight of the boy or girl will be asked in these advertisements. You can also ask whether he is healthy or not, what is his cholesterol level, and whether he has high blood pressure or diabetes. Therefore, this obesity is like a fat bomb that is bursting among the people of our country and if it torn then India’s economic challenges will also increase.
How to stop obesity?
The most important thing to avoid obesity is will power and awareness. If you have the will to stay fit, then you can somehow avoid this problem. You have to follow a daily routine that includes healthy habits. You can prevent obesity by controlling your diet and physical activity.
If you are suffering from this problem then change your lifestyle immediately. Wake up early in the morning and go for a walk, jogging and exercise.
Also do not leave breakfast at all. Eat healthy things like fruits, dry fruits, eggs, less oil and spicy food in breakfast.
Increase the amount of protein in breakfast. Protein is the most important for weight loss.
Increase water intake as much as possible. Water protects you from many diseases. Water intensifies the metabolism of your body, which helps the body to burn excess fat.
To get rid of obesity, you should stay away from oil, sweet things and alcohol. These things increase fat in the body and push the body towards diseases.