Every name and number has special significance in numerology. Just as the zodiac signs are described in astrology, similarly in numerology each number has its own prediction. To know your lucky number, you add the date, month and year of your birth and bring it to a single digit. For example, if you were born on the 7th, 16th or 29th, your number number would be 7. Let us know, how will be the day of January 16 for people with number 1 to 9.


Today, people with number 1 may remain troubled. Be conscious about your health. There are indications of change in job and change in workplace is also possible. Religious functions will take place at home, but there will be an increase in expenses. It would be better to postpone any important decision.


The day will be good for people with radix number 2. You will get success in academic activities and will also get support from friends. However, today you may have to work harder. There are chances of success in job exams and interviews.


Today, people with radix number 3 may have to face some problems, due to which self-confidence may decrease. A meeting with an old friend is possible and there are chances of increase in income.


People with radix number 4 will be full of confidence today, but there may be ups and downs in the mind. There are chances of change in job and you may also get success in some important work.


Today will be a good day for people with radix number 5, but there may be a feeling of disappointment regarding some things. There will be support from family, while there may be some difficulties in business.


Let us prepare an economic budget with the number 6. Avoid disappointment and dissatisfaction, and take care of your father’s health. Educational work may yield pleasant results.


Today, the beginning of the day may be a bit volatile for people with radix number 7, but the conditions will become favorable by evening. Travel will be beneficial.


The day will be good for people with number 8. Plans can be made to visit a religious place with the family. But take care of the health of the family.


The day is happy for people with number 9. You will get success in educational work and may get good news from your children. You will achieve success in your work.

Make proper use of this day and proceed with your actions in a planned manner according to your radix number!

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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