New Delhi – Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reached his parliamentary constituency Varanasi late on Friday evening on his two-day visit. Where PM Modi inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of 29 projects worth 12,110 crores in Varanasi. During this, while addressing the program, PM Modi said in Banarasi style that “Now whoever comes to Banaras, go away happy” Today the whole world is praising you and Kashi. I know the people of Kashi will manage.

Let us tell you that Prime Minister Narendra Modi while attacking the opposition fiercely in Varanasi said that people had complaints against the previous governments. That she used to make plans sitting in such a room. The then governments did not even know what effect those schemes were having on the ground. Till now those who have run corrupt and unsuccessful governments, get molested after hearing the names of the beneficiaries. After so many years of independence, the true benefits of democracy are reaching the right people in true sense. Earlier, on the pretext of democracy, the interests of a few people were served. In the BJP government, the beneficiary class has become an example of true social justice and true secularism.

Further, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the Rajdh. Express was started 50 years ago. But in all these years, this Rajdh. Express has been able to run on only 16 routes. Similarly, 30-35 years ago, Shatabdi Express is serving on 19 routes even after so many years. Apart from these trains, Vande Mataram started running on 25 routes in 4 years. Let us inform that before this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had gone on a tour of Gorakhpur yesterday on July 7. PM had reached Gorakhpur yesterday afternoon.

Where he participated in the closing ceremony of the centenary celebrations of Geeta Press. PM Modi flagged off Bande Bharat trains from Gorakhpur railway station. And also laid the foundation stone of Gorakhpur railway station redevelopment, under which the station will be developed at a cost of about Rs 498 crore.

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