Us bhutan travel ban: Donald Trump has been taking tough decisions since becoming the President of America. The Trump administration has now prepared a list of 43 countries, whose plans to ban the visit of the people. There are three categories in this entire list. The first is red, the second is orange, and the third is yellow. The red list includes countries from where no person will be able to enter the United States. The list includes countries such as Afghanistan, North Korea, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Syria, where there is unrest or their relations with the US are poor.
Why is Bhutan in the red list of America?
Surprisingly, there is also a country named Bhutan in this list. It is very surprising that Bhutan’s name is in the red list. Let us know why Bhutan is kept in the red list. Sources in the Trump administration say that there are many reasons to include Bhutan in this list. This is the reason that Bhutani people often violate visa rules after reaching America. Often they stay in the US for longer than the specified period on the visa. Such a situation is a threat to national security. Apart from this, the number of Bhutanese people reaching America through illegal routes has also increased and America is also worried about this.
The difficulties of the people of Bhutan will increase
The US Home Safety Department says that last year 37 percent of Bhutani people violated the visa rules. Now after joining the red list, every person coming from Bhutan will have to go through a long investigation, after which the visa will be issued. In some cases, a visa application can be rejected without any reason. Not only this, additional investigation will also be done for Bhutani people present in America. This decision will especially create difficulties for those Bhutani people who are going to America for studies and other work. This decision of America may also affect its relations with Bhutan. Bhutan’s Foreign Ministry has formally requested that the US review its decision.