Income Tax Act: Income tax officers will now be able to reach your email account and social media accounts. Under the provision made in the new Income Tax Act, the Income Tax Officer is getting this power. The new law will be applicable from 1 April 2026. After this, the Income Tax Officer can verify his email account, WhatsApp account, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter account. India has entered the digital age. In such a situation, this provision has been made with such expectations to be able to coordinate with the digital age.
From social media profiles to online investment, you will be able to check
As per the provision made under Section 247 of the new Income Tax Act to be implemented from 1 April 2026, the Income Tax Department will have the right to verify or investigate the taxpayer’s social media accounts. Income tax officers will be able to verify the taxpayer’s profile, email, bank account, online investment and trading accounts. After this verification, if they feel that the concerned taxpayer has committed tax evasion, undisclosed property, or cash, gold, jewelery or any other valuable item, they will be able to verify your account.
Under Section 132 of the Income Tax Act 1961, if the Income Tax Officer feels that the concerned taxpayer has hidden his income with the intention of tax evasion or has kept financial records, then the Income Tax Officer can raid the premises of that taxpayer.
Under the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961, the Income Tax Officer has the right to inspect the chests and lockers to enter the offices of taxpayers and find out undisclosed income. However, after 1 April 2026, the Income Tax Officer will also be able to look into the taxpayer’s digital account. The taxpayer will be able to enter the computer system. They will also be able to verify their online accounts. They will be able to verify whether any details of tax evasion have been received from these accounts.
You can also check the deleted data.
Nowadays, the trend and trend of doing financial transactions digitally is increasing. Therefore, income tax officers are also becoming modern. Digital forensic will be used for this. Even though the taxpayer has removed the details recorded once, the digital forensic expert will be able to find them. However, this may also cause an issue of violation of taxpayer’s confidentiality. As a result, the taxpayer will have to file his income tax return without hiding any information. Nor should they try to hide the details of the investment made by them. To avoid any problem in future, the taxpayer should take further action only after consulting his tax specialist.