Filmmaker S Shankar, who directed Ram Charan and Kiara Advani’s Game Changer, recently revealed that the film was five-hour long originally. In one of his interviews, he also stated that he is not ‘completely satisfied’ with the output of his film. In Game Changer, Ram Charan plays dual roles — one as an IAS officer and the other as a spirited individual who flights for social causes.
Released on January 10, the film is doing a decent business at the box office. Within five days of its release, the Shankar-directorial has crossed the Rs 100 crore mark. The total collection of the film in India reportedly stands at Rs 106.15 crore.
During a conversation with Behindwoods TV, Shankar reportedly said, “I am not completely satisfied with the output of Game Changer. I should have done better. Many good scenes have been trimmed due to time constraints. Total duration came down to more than five hours. We have cut down a few things to acquire a sculpture.”
For the unawares, Shankar is known for his penchant for lengthy films. Unable to condense his vision for Kamal Haasan’s Indian 2 into a three-hour runtime, he had opted to split the project into two parts. Indian 2 hit theaters in 2024, with its third part, Indian 3, set to release later this year.
Game Changer received mixed reviews from movie-goers and critics upon its release.
In the film, Kiara Advani is seen as Ram Charan’s character’s love interest, adding a touch of romance to the storyline. The plot of the film takes a gripping turn when SJ Surya enters as a corrupt Chief Minister, setting up a tense face-off with Ram’s character, who calls himself ‘unpredictable’.
The film tackles themes of corruption, justice, and the fight for change, making it not just a spectacle but also a thought-provoking experience. It also stars Anjali, Samuthirakani, Srikanth, Sunil and others.