Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister and actor Pawan Kalyan recently addressed fans chanting slogans about his upcoming film ‘OG’ during political events. The actor appeared visibly irked during his visit to the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) in Kadapa on Saturday, where he discussed a recent attack on a Mandal Parishad Development Officer. Fans interrupted the event by chanting OG.
The makers of Pawan Kalyan’s film OG have now issued a statement on social media, urging fans to refrain from chanting OG at public events. The statement read, “We consider the admiration and love you are showing for the movie OG as our great fortune. We are constantly working to bring OG to you. However, when Pawan Kalyan garu attends political meetings, it is not right to shout OG OG and disturb him without caring about the time or context.”
Check out the official statement:
“We all know how hard he is working for the future of Andhra Pradesh as the state’s Deputy Chief Minister. It is our minimum responsibility to respect the position and stature he holds. Therefore, let’s be patient for a few more days,” read the statement.
They captioned it, “Aaayanni Ibbandhi Pettakandraaa… Inkonchem time undhi…. Allaaadiddaam Theatres lo.. (Do not disturb him like that…there’s still time…we will kill it in theatres)”
Pawan Kalyan’s OG, directed by Sujeeth, also features Emraan Hashmi, marking his Telugu debut, alongside Prakash Raj, Priyanka Mojan, Arjun Das, and Sriya Reddy. Earlier, it was scheduled to release in September 2024, however, it was postponed due to production delays.
Next, he has Hari Hara Veera Mallu, Ustaad Bhagat Singh, and the Telugu adaptation of the Tamil film Theri.