According to Hopkins Medicine, Broken heart syndrome is also known as cardiomyopathy or Takotsubo syndrome. This disease was first identified in Japan in 1990. This happens when a person suddenly becomes under a lot of stress. Due to this the heart muscles become weak.

Broken heart syndrome can occur mainly due to two reasons – first emotional which includes sadness, fear, anger, shock and second physical which includes high fever, stroke, breathlessness, bleeding, low blood sugar. However, in 30 percent of people suffering from this disease, it is not diagnosed in the first stage. Because none of these come up as a reason.

Symptoms of Broken Heart Syndrome

chest pain


breathing abnormal sweating


heart palpitations

Note- These symptoms can appear in the body within a few minutes or hours of increasing stress.

How dangerous can this syndrome be?

There is also a risk of death due to broken heart syndrome. Because in this the heart muscles start becoming weak. In such a situation, if you do not get immediate medical help, the risk of congestive heart failure, low blood pressure and shock increases.

What is the difference between heart attack and broken heart syndrome?

Most heart attacks are caused by blockages and blood clots in the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart. Whereas the heart cells of people with broken heart syndrome become clogged with adrenaline and other stress hormones.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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