America and North Korea have once again come face to face. Kim Yo-Jong, sister of North Korea leader Kim Jong-un, has threatened to take action in response to the deployment of American aircraft carrier in South Korea and other American military activities. After his threat, North Korea will now accelerate arms testing activities and will maintain a confrontation against the US. On the other hand, President Donald Trump has said that he would contact Kim Jong Un to improve relations between the two countries.


Allegations made on America

A situation of conflict has once again arisen between the United States and North Korea. North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un’s sister Kim Yo-Jong has warned the United States. Kim Yo Jong accused the US of clearly displaying his confrontation in North Korea. Using the abbreviation of Damocratic People’s Republic of Korea, the official name of North Korea, he said, “The DPRK is planning to carefully examine the option to increase the option of increasing the rhetoric that threatens the safety of the enemy at the strategic level, to compete the fact that the deployment of American ships in the Korean Pennown can be a bad habit Is.” Observers say their statement suggests that North Korea is testing intercontinental ballistic missiles, designed to attack the US mainland.

South Korea released a statement

South Korea’s Defense Ministry later warned that it was set to thwart any provocative action of North Korea based on its strong military alliance with the United States. A statement from the Ministry said that Kim Yo Jong’s comment is a show with the aim of justifying his nuclear development and future stimulating actions. Significantly, on Sunday, USS Carl Vinson and his strike group reached South Korea, in view of threats from North Korea, the latest temporary deployment to demonstrate the strength of the US-South Korea military alliance. The deployment has been done four days after the fourth missile test conducted by North Korea this year.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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