North Korea opened its doors to tourists: North Korea has a totalitarian rule under the leadership of Kim Jong-un. When Covid-19 began, North Korea banned the entry of foreigners, which is still in force. Now North Korea has opened the way for foreign tourists to come here. However, tourists will have to strictly follow certain conditions during a visit to North Korea. If you make a mistake then you have to be ready to face punishment. This sentence may include imprisonment and even death ..! This is the reason that the world’s most keen travelers also avoid visiting North Korea.

This is why North Korea relaxed

Most of the countries of the world have broken relations with North Korea’s immortal behavior. Due to North Korea’s aggressive policy, it has been imposed several business and diplomatic sanctions. The restrictions imposed by the ‘United Nations Security Council’ and ‘European Union’ have worsened the situation in North Korea, due to which its attitude is now getting softened. Evidence of this is ‘welcome’ to foreign tourists.


North Korea has been ruined.

North Korea’s economic condition has deteriorated due to global sanctions. Kovid epidemic has played the game of grabbing and quit. There is nothing special about the convenience in North Korea. Medical facilities across the country are very poor. Even the capital Pyongyang does not have good hospitals, so what will be the situation in small cities and villages? North Korea is cautious to ensure that the internal affairs do not go out of the boundaries of the country, yet it has already been revealed that there is a famine at this time. The crime rate has increased because people are also facing lack of essential commodities of life.

The intention is to earn money through tourism, but…

North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong Un has talked about restoring tourism in the country after five years, for which foreigners are being invited, but the major problem is that those traveling there will have to follow some strict conditions.

These rules have to be followed, otherwise…

Tourists visiting North Korea will have to face several restrictions. Such as,

  • Tourists will not be able to travel anywhere without local guides.
  • They can revolve only in specified places across the country.
  • Photography will be restricted at most places.
  • CCTV cameras and locals will always monitor tourists.
  • No religious or political materials of any kind will be allowed.

Only those people will be able to be safe in North Korea who are willing to accept the above conditions.

The media is almost forgotten.

When you are in North Korea, it becomes difficult to know what is happening in the outside world, because none of the foreign channels that come on our TV come on their TV. Yes, some international news channels are available in five -star hotels, but their broadcast can be stopped at any time on the orders of the administration.

Tourists get caught due to lack of information

Many tourists get stuck in North Korea because they are not aware of the rules there. Passengers going to North Korea are not allowed to carry any religious or political materials, as the Korean government considers such material to be propaganda against itself. Making fun of Kim Jong or any member of his family also falls under the category of serious crime. You cannot take pictures everywhere while traveling in North Korea. Doing so is also considered detective and its punishment is very hard.

A passenger is considered a detective.

Suppose an Indian person has gone on a visit to North Korea and at the same time, if a war broke out between India and North Korea, the North Korea government and the police will immediately arrest the Indian tourist as an Indian detective. Who would like to travel in a country with such circumstances?

If you break the rules, you will be punished severely.

In North Korea, harsh punishment is given for breaking the rules. Sometimes innocent people also fall prey to the strict rules there. Let’s see the example of an American tourist.

American tourist was wrongly convicted

In 2015, a student of an American university called Otto Warmabier went to North Korea to visit North Korea. While returning, he was taken into custody at Pyongyang Airport. He was accused of stealing political slogan posters. Within three months, the Supreme Court of North Korea sentenced Otto Warmbier to 15 years in jail and said that the young man had stolen the poster at the behest of the US government. This work was a conspiracy against North Korea.

America fought, but could not win.

The United States denied North Korea’s allegations and demanded the release of the youth, but North Korea did not even bother to respond to the United States. In 2017, the Korean government suddenly announced that the warming was being released on humanitarian grounds. Warmbier was sent to America, but he was in a coma! When the US investigated, it was found that it was in a coma for a long time. North Korea hid the truth about its situation. When it was felt that he would not survive for long, he was sent to America on humanitarian grounds. American doctors investigating the warmbier’s body claimed that the warming was beaten so badly that her brain was severely damaged and she went into a coma. Warmbier died within a few days of reaching America.

The crisis of sanctions has been lifted.

At that time Donald Trump was the President of America. Trump imposed various sanctions on North Korea in vengeance of Otto Warmbier’s death. Americans were not allowed to travel to North Korea. It is said that North Korea is a country where if you go, there is a danger of getting stuck. That advice is still applicable today.

Other countries are also against North Korea.

Most developed countries of the world, such as Canada and Australia, have banned travel to North Korea in their travel consultation. The police in North Korea keeps a close watch on tourists. There are missile tests all the time and new rules are imposed on the public whenever they want.


Visa and passport rules are also strange.

Even after reading so much about the dangers of travel to North Korea, if you want to travel there, then you should also know the rules related to visa and passport.

  • You cannot apply for North Korean visa yourself, so you have to seek the help of a travel agency. You will only be able to get permits for a visit to North Korea through the agency.
  • Even if you get a North Korean visa, it will not be mentioned on your passport. You will get a separate visa paper.
  • Your visa will also tell which route you will adopt to enter North Korea. No tourist can return to North Korea after landing in any city of their choice.
  • As mentioned earlier, you cannot travel alone in North Korea. You have to rent a local guide and travel with him. Not only this, you will also have to give your passport to your guide. Your passport will be returned to you only when you leave North Korea.

Citizens of this country travel to North Korea

Russia and China have been associates of North Korea for decades, so it is natural that these two countries have the highest number of tourists from North Korea. According to the North Korean government website, more than eight hundred Russian tourists visited North Korea last year. Eight hundred tourists are negligible numbers! Well, given the rules of North Korea, it is a big thing to say.

Welcome, but who will go?

Seeing the rules like ‘If you are also in trouble, then the question of millions of prices arises that North Korea has opened the doors of their country to tourists around the world, but who will put their lives at risk to roam there?

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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