Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A truck loaded with noodles worth Rs 10.5 lakh was allegedly stolen on December 2 and later the truck was found abandoned near Kokta bypass but its goods had completely emptied, said Bilkheriya police here on Monday. Police have so far not registered an FIR as they find something amiss in the entire theft incident reported by the truck owner.
Police station in charge Virendra Sen told Free Press that Faraz, the owner of the truck, lodged a complaint on Sunday that his truck heading to Cuttack was stolen on December 2 from an area near 11 Mile Bypass Road. Faraz claimed that the truck driver Rahis, a resident of Bhopal, called him up informing that the truck had been stolen.
The truck driver told Faraz that an unidentified man had offered him drinks (alcohol) and when he (driver) was in an inebriated state the man fled away with the truck. The officer said that as per truck owner, his driver who informed about the truck theft is also untraceable. Later Faraz found the truck abandoned near a private school in the Kokta bypass. There were no goods inside the truck, said Sen quoting the complainant.
As per the complainant, the truck was loaded at Gujarat and was heading to Cuttack. Police are not satisfied with the complainant’s theft claim and are finding some foul play as the truck driver, who reported the incident is also missing. The police have not registered any FIR in connection with the complaint. The cops are trying to trace the truck driver and the missing noodles.