Recently, a case of theft worth lakhs of rupees has come to light in Vedvan Park, Sector-78, Noida. A case was registered against unknown thieves at Sector-113 police station on Sunday after nozzles worth Rs 10 lakh were stolen from the park’s fountains.
160 nozzle theft, laser light show off
Inspector Krishna Gopal Sharma, in-charge of Police Station Sector-113, said that on the night of January 14, unknown thieves stole 160 nozzles from the fountains of Vedavan Park. The estimated price of these nozzles is said to be around Rs 10 lakh.
Due to theft, the popular laser light show in the park has also had to be closed for the time being. This show is one of the main attractions of Vedavan Park, which is visited by tourists in large numbers.
Police investigation: CCTV footage is being scrutinized
Police have registered the complaint and started investigation. According to Krishna Gopal Sharma,
“The footage of CCTV cameras installed inside and outside the park is being scrutinized. Some suspects are being identified.”
Police have said that this theft will be exposed soon.
Vedavan Park: Center of Vedic Culture
Vedavan Park was inaugurated by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in 2023. This park is based on Vedic theme and reflects the Vedic tradition of sages. The park contains information and unique structures related to the four Vedas, making it very popular among tourists.
Noida Authority is also investigating
Noida Authority has also started an independent investigation into the theft incident. The lack of maintenance and security at Vedavan Park is also being reviewed. This incident has raised questions on the safety of the park.