Mandleshwar (Madhya Pradesh): A shocking incident has come to light in Kawdiya village, near Mandleshwar, where the cremation ground has no roof, leaving families to perform last rites in the open.

On Saturday, Kailash Jatav, a resident, passed away suddenly and his family was forced to cremate him in heavy rain by covering the body with a tarpaulin. The villagers had to lift the tarpaulin with their hands to facilitate the cremation.

The villagers revealed that the roof of the cremation ground had collapsed in a storm last year and despite repeated requests, the panchayat officials have not reconstructed it.

The lack of arrangements at the cremation ground during rains has left the villagers frustrated and they are demanding immediate attention from the authorities. They claim that the officials are not paying attention to their concerns and the cremation ground remains dilapidated.

The villagers are worried about the dignity of the deceased and the inconvenience caused to the families. They are demanding that the panchayat officials take immediate action to construct a new roof or repair the existing one.

Meanwhile, SDM .l Kumar Jain has assured that the matter would be discussed with the new CEO, who takes charge on Monday and a solution would be found. The villagers are hoping for a swift resolution to this issue, which has caused them immense distress and inconvenience.

The incident has raised questions about the administration’s priorities and their response to the villagers’ concerns. The villagers are seeking a permanent solution to this problem and they expect the authorities to take immediate action to address their grievances. Attempts to contact panchayat secretary Dinesh Patidar for a comment were unsuccessful.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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